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CANCOM Austria

CANCOM Group Info: Newsroom

1. April 2019

K-Businesscom acquires 100% of artificial intelligence specialist AIMC

K-Businesscom is expanding its digitalization expertise by fully integrating its former subsidiary Advanced Information Management Consulting GmbH (AIMC) and bundling its data science expertise in a new division of its own. Vienna, April 1, 2019 - Since the beginning of 2019, Advanced Information Management Consulting GmbH (AIMC) has been fully integrated into K-Businesscom. In recent years, the digitalization expert has increasingly focused on the topics of big data, data analytics and artificial intelligence and implemented pioneering projects. In February 2017, the investment in AIMC set the course for this development. AI and data analytics expertise is bundled in a new department at K-Businesscom. The seven data science specialists at AIMC will bring knowledge to the new team that they have already demonstrated in various projects in the industrial, insurance and healthcare sectors. The core objective of the unit is to increase the efficiency of companies. To this end, the experts translate the information from large, mostly existing volumes of company data and derive recommendations for action. In particular, this involves content analytics, predictive analytics and image analytics. AI and machine learning: simplifying decision-making processes "The aim is to demystify the topic of artificial intelligence and machine learning and translate it into profitable applications," says new department head Sinan Tankaz, explaining his task. "For the first time, we now have a dedicated department that pools AI knowledge and can transfer our expertise into specific use cases even faster." In practice, the experts work with customers on very specific issues that can be solved with the help of machine learning. This involves large volumes of data from a wide variety of sources, which are analyzed with the help of algorithms. As a result, anomalies in standard processes suddenly become visible and quantifiable. "In the healthcare sector, for example, this could be interactions between prescribed medications," adds Tankaz. This provides companies with transparency and clarity for measures and decisions. A wide range of practical examples show the concrete benefits of the technologies. In Austrian industry, predictive quality enables components to be analyzed for their future suitability in practice before they even leave the assembly line. Customer requests are automatically analyzed, understood and the necessary transactions initiated without the need for employee intervention. Cross-selling and recommender systems predict customer wishes and increase sales in online stores and fast food restaurants. Fraud detection models recognize fraud attempts in real time. The use of machine learning in the healthcare sector will revolutionize processes, diagnosis and treatment options. "There are truly endless application possibilities for AI in everyday life and for our customers. These are often far removed from typical AI associations such as robots or cyborgs. It's about image, text and speech recognition, process optimization, scrap reduction, quality improvement and much more - that's what makes this job so exciting and varied," enthuses Sinan Tankaz. Sinan Tankaz Sinan Tankaz (33) has been with K-Businesscom since 2012. As a smart grid expert, he was actively involved in setting up the smart metering business area and was most recently responsible for business development. In his role as assistant to the Executive Board, he also dealt intensively with future topics and trends, including the topic of artificial intelligence, and played a key role in establishing this new business area within K-Businesscom. In April, he will take over the management of the Artificial Intelligence team. As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading global providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 318 million in the 2017/18 financial year.

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26. March 2019

K-Businesscom: WorkHeld - the voice assistant for industry

K-Businesscom starts a cooperation with the workforce management software WorkHeld. This primarily includes an intelligent voice assistant that supports technicians in industrial companies at work. Together, the cooperation partners want to provide industry in the DACH region with new and innovative solutions. Vienna, 26 March 2019 - K-Businesscom is expanding its comprehensive offering as a digitalization expert for industry through its partnership with workforce management software WorkHeld . WorkHeld is a platform for the productive order processing of assembly, maintenance and service processes - from order allocation and documentation to the customer's signature. The software includes an intelligent voice assistant that supports technicians in their work by allowing them to query and document information about the current order. For example, working times, defects and measured values can be recorded or information on the next work step can be called up by voice input. WorkHeld can also be adapted to the customer's needs without any further development work. For example, there is an individual feature configuration and the option to integrate company-specific technical terms into the platform. Individual language functions can also be developed. Strong partnership for industrial companies. "We are constantly looking to expand our range of solutions as a digitalization partner for industry," explains Jochen Borenich, Member of the Executive Board at K-Businesscom. "It is important for us to reach a clear use case with our customers as quickly as possible. And we can only do that if we can offer and integrate as many different technologies as possible from a tried-and-tested partner network." As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. Through the cooperation with WorkHeld , industrial companies benefit from the proven expertise and consulting services of K-Businesscom as well as from the industrial know-how and innovative spirit of Tablet Solutions GmbH, the Viennese startup behind WorkHeld . "By working with K-Businesscom, we can make our software platform even more attractive for industrial companies by making WorkHeld even easier to implement," says Benjamin Schwärzler, Tablet Solutions CEO and founder. K-Businesscom offers extensive support and stands by industrial companies as a competent partner throughout the entire implementation process and in the productive use of the WorkHeld platform. WorkHeld is the workforce management software that increases the productivity of assembly, maintenance and service processes. The software system facilitates communication with mobile specialists and creates a platform for productive order processing. From order allocation to the customer's signature. Project coordinators can distribute orders and resources directly to employees on site with all the necessary information, such as construction plans or parts lists. Clear project planning, work and travel time recording functions, material and defect management, checklists and automated reporting are among the key features of the software. WorkHeld is also the first workforce management software with intelligent voice control. WorkHeld - the holistic solution for assembly, maintenance and service processes. WorkHeld is developed by Tablet Solutions GmbH, a young company for production and industry-specific digitalization solutions. By combining know-how from industry and implementation expertise from IT, mobile software applications are developed that stand out from the crowd thanks to their industry-specific usability and focus on the assembly, maintenance and service technician. As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading global providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 318 million in the 2017/18 financial year.

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21. January 2019

K-Businesscom - Large amounts of snow in the Northern Alps: Textile, intelligent snow load sensor can save lives

A textile snow load sensor is being used for the first time worldwide in Vorarlberg. The solution was developed by K-Businesscom together with the Grabher Group and the Smart Textiles Platform Austria. Forecasting the snow load on roofs is a major challenge, even for specialists. In future, the intelligent textile snow load sensor will also help emergency services, local authorities and private individuals to correctly assess the risk situation so that they can act in good time. Vienna/Hohenems, January 21, 2019 - The current weather conditions in Austria are pushing roof structures to their limits due to the existing snow loads. This raises the question: how much snow can my roof withstand before it collapses? The intelligent, textile snow load sensor from Grabher provides the answer. The innovative fabric becomes an intelligent sensor thanks to the underlying technology solution from K-Businesscom. The sensor is only a few millimeters thick and is mounted directly on the roof surface. There it measures the weight of the snow and issues an alarm via a platform when the snow load limit is reached. In Eichenberg (Vorarlberg), the textile, digital snow load sensors are being tested for the first time under real conditions at 793 meters above sea level, with around 40 centimetres of snow. Prior to this, the fabric lifesaver was put through its paces in the laboratory. Development began three years ago. in 2018, the companies presented the sensor to the public for the first time. This promptly brought the first award: the textile snow load sensor was one of the winning projects in the Smart City Dornbirn competition as an outstanding digitalization project. How does a fabric become smart? The digitalization process to make a fabric smart is complex. "In the course of our daily work and our experience from over 130 digitalization workshops, we at K-Businesscom have found that most digitalization processes can be broken down into five components: sensor technology, networking, platform, artificial intelligence and analysis as well as application," explains Jochen Borenich, CEO of K-Businesscom. These components are also used in the development of the textile snow load sensor solution. It all starts with the sensor technology that records the data. In the case of snow load detection, this involves intelligent fabric that measures the weight of the snow. The snow load data is continuously collected and transferred to an IoT platform in K-Businesscom's own data centers in a highly secure manner and stored in encrypted form. In the next step, this data is then evaluated and analyzed. You could say that from this moment on, the material becomes intelligent. This is because data becomes information that can control and influence events and decisions. In the final step, the necessary information reaches the end user in real time via the platform. There, they can read the snow load data via an app. Only then does big data become smart data and thus understandable for the end user. If the values are increased, the textile, intelligent snow load sensor immediately sounds the alarm. This is how digital, smart solutions increase safety and make everyday life easier. "With our expertise as a leading digitalization expert, we implement end-to-end projects in all sectors, from industry and healthcare to smart offices," adds Borenich. Everyday helpers in a snow emergency "K-Businesscom's know-how in the field of transmission, data backup and analysis and our expertise in the entire textile sector complement each other perfectly here to make fabrics smart and develop them for intelligent use," says Günter Grabher, CEO of the Grabher Group. As interest in this solution is extremely high due to the current situation, it is currently being extensively tested in various scenarios and under real-life conditions. Experts from K-Businesscom, Grabher and the Smart Textiles platform are already planning additional functions: For example, the system will also provide data for assessing avalanche situations. As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading global providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 318 million in the 2017/18 financial year. The Grabher Group , Company of the Year 2018, based in Vorarlberg, is home to nine companies that focus on the production of technical textiles, lightweight fiber composites, nano-plasma technology and smart textiles. With V-trion textile research GmbH, the group of companies also maintains its own research facility in these areas and is one of the world leaders in the research and development of textile sensors and actuators in particular.

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6. November 2018

K-Businesscom on course for growth in the DACH region

Austria's leading digitization partner is now also represented with a branch in Switzerland following the acquisition of eCrome Systems AG. In addition, K-Businesscom is intensifying its strategic sales partnership with UPC Switzerland. In Germany, K-Businesscom Carrier Solutions GmbH was finally integrated into K-Businesscom. With the new additions, K-Businesscom is massively expanding its market presence in the DACH region. Vienna, November 6, 2018 - The Austrian ICT market leader is strengthening both its presence and its service offering beyond the country's borders. "We are positioning ourselves as an ICT and digitalization partner in the DACH region," says Jochen Borenich, CEO of K-Businesscom. The new branches will bring K-Businesscom even closer to its customers in Germany and Switzerland. "The additional expertise will also provide a strategically valuable addition to our own services," adds Borenich. Among other things, the additions will strengthen the carrier, energy provider and healthcare business areas. eCrome Systems AG becomes K-Businesscom Founded in 1995 and based in St. Gallen, eCrome Systems AG is an IT system integrator specializing in managed services in the areas of data center, network and collaboration solutions. Over 50 reference customers form the ideal foundation for further market development with the entire K-Businesscom portfolio. The acquisition of eCrome Systems AG also includes the wholly owned subsidiary eCrome Medical AG, which specializes in eHealth solutions. "In recent years, eCrome has successfully built up long-term IT service contracts and is therefore a perfect fit for us as a leading IT managed services partner in Austria," explains Jochen Borenich. The current Managing Director Emil Friedauer will remain in charge in Switzerland. The next steps will be the gradual integration into K-Businesscom and the expansion of the portfolio. ICT and digitization partner for UPC Switzerland K-Businesscom and its sales partner UPC (the second largest carrier company in Switzerland) have been addressing security and network solutions as well as network services on the Swiss market for over a year now and have been able to win their first major projects, such as the network outsourcing of Thurgauer Kantonalbank. The bank, which has total assets of over 21 billion Swiss francs, is relying on the expertise of K-Businesscom BusinessCom for the renewal and operational management of its entire network infrastructure over the next six years. Established in Germany At the beginning of April 2018, the German K-Businesscom Carrier Solutions GmbH was finally integrated into K-Businesscom. "By integrating the German branches, we are leveraging synergies in the areas of portfolio, expertise and target groups, expanding our industry focus on carriers and energy providers and being able to address the German market with our digitalization approach, which has already been very successful in Austria," says Jochen Borenich. For example, K-Businesscom developed an intelligent office solution for smart working environments based on a K-Businesscom IoT solution with the German office furniture manufacturer Sedus. K-Businesscom in Germany currently offers a comprehensive range of transmission technology and security solutions, radio and information technology, voice and data over IP, radio relay, DSL and fibre optic access solutions and will position itself as a digitalization partner for a wide range of industries on the German market in the future. Ralf Arweiler and Wolfgang Matschke are responsible for the management of the company. K-Businesscom has already implemented projects for QSC, ONTRAS, Helvetia and M-Net, among others, at its headquarters in Neuss near Düsseldorf and at its Frankfurt location. As a leading digitization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading global providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 318 million in the 2017/18 financial year.

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4. October 2018

K-Businesscom and office furniture manufacturer Sedus develop the "intelligent office"

The innovative se:connects solution from Sedus, the specialist for office furnishings and workplace concepts, is backed by the expertise and technology of K-Businesscom. The Austrian digitalization expert is providing the entire end-to-end solution for se:connects. Vienna, October 4, 2018 - Building technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated and the outstanding examples of "smart buildings" impressively demonstrate what is technically possible today. From lighting, heating, ventilation, wayfinding, security and access control systems to the networking of information and communication technology - there is almost nothing that is not yet digitally recorded, controlled and evaluated and, of course, facility managers are currently very interested in the topics of room and space utilization. Instead of fixed workstations and rigid office structures, companies are increasingly focusing on smart working concepts. The free choice of workspace - depending on tasks and preferences - is also fundamentally changing the way we work, contributing not only to greater efficiency, but also to more creativity and job satisfaction. The two companies K-Businesscom and Sedus combine smart working and smart office. The cloud-based platform se:connects makes it easier for employees to find their desks in the office every day. What's more, se:connects saves the company money by optimizing office space utilization. At its heart is a mobile app combined with intelligent IoT sensor technology as an innovative solution for the use and management of workstations in smart working environments. In concrete terms, this means that employees can use an app to quickly select their preferred workspace according to parameters such as "close to team members", "sun/shade", "quiet or communicative". Companies, on the other hand, can see the utilization of their office space transparently and can thus optimize their workplace design. Desks and office chairs record the presence of their users via sensors and facility managers receive anonymized but very valuable data that can be used for efficient space utilization and design. Jochen Borenich, CEO of K-Businesscom AG: "We are delighted that Sedus is joining us on this path to the smart office. We were able to convince them with our consistent end-to-end concept for digitalization. From sensors on chairs and desks to Internet of Things gateway modules and the cloud platform and associated data analysis, including dashboards and mobile applications, everything comes from K-Businesscom. The solution for the smart office will be presented for the first time at ORGATEC, the international innovation and trend trade fair for new ways of working, from October 23 to 27, 2018 in Cologne." Holger Jahnke, CEO of Sedus Stoll AG: "Our mobile app se:connects is an important building block of modern building technology and in the near future, I am convinced that there will only be 'one app for everything'. In the specialists at K-Businesscom, we have found a competent and innovative partner that offers manufacturer and system-independent solutions. Large international customers in particular, with extremely complex IT structures, expect simple and perfectly functioning IoT solutions. The IoT market will continue to develop rapidly and connect us all even more closely. What still sounds like 'Big Brother' to a few will bring advantages and benefits for the majority. In my view, intelligent networking will become the core function of products and service offerings, such as usage-based billing models." "When Sedus developed the first office chairs over 125 years ago, K-Businesscom was already working on transmission technology in the form of Morse devices at the same time. Today, in the digital age, we are bringing together precisely these competencies of the two traditional companies from the DACH region in the 'intelligent networked office' with se:connects," says Jochen Borenich. Sedus Stoll AG , based in Dogern (Waldshut district), is one of the leading full-service providers of office furniture and workplace concepts. Sedus develops, produces and sells high-quality furniture "Made in Germany". As an office furniture expert and technology pioneer, Sedus has repeatedly set standards in its more than 145-year company history - particularly in the areas of ergonomics, design and sustainability. In the process, standards have been developed that have achieved global significance. The Sedus Stoll Group achieved a turnover of over EUR 191 million in the 2017 financial year and employs around 900 people. As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in improving their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading global providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 318 million in the 2017/18 financial year.

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19. September 2018

Long-standing partnership extended: K-Businesscom remains ICT Managed Services partner of Gas Connect Austria

Gas Connect Austria GmbH is one of Austria's most important infrastructure companies: it operates a high-pressure natural gas pipeline network in Austria that is around 900 km long. In addition to supplying Austria, these pipelines are used to transport natural gas to Germany, Italy, France, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. In order to be able to concentrate fully on its core business, Gas Connect Austria has been relying on ICT (Information/Communication Technology) solutions and services from K-Businesscom since 2012 and has placed large parts of the operation and management of its network and IT infrastructure in the hands of K-Businesscom. Vienna, September 19, 2018 - As an economically stable partner with many years of managed services experience, K-Businesscom was able to extend the existing contract, including corresponding extensions. This includes a new media technology service, updates to the IT processes and adjustments to the technical solutions to bring them up to date. "Due to its important infrastructure role, our company bears a great responsibility for private and industrial gas consumers. We are an important part of the European natural gas network and supply large parts of Europe via the central natural gas hub in Baumgarten. Absolute reliability is therefore particularly important to us. With K-Businesscom, we have a partner we can rely on. This local partner also gives us the guarantee that data security is ensured in accordance with the latest Austrian standards," explains Stefan Wagenhofer, Managing Director Gas Connect Austria. "We are delighted with the great trust that Gas Connect Austria has placed in us. The contract extension is a further step in a successful partnership for both parties. Thanks to our nationwide presence as a leading ICT service partner, we can also meet the new requirements in the best possible way," explains Jochen Borenich, MBA, CEO of K-Businesscom AG. Gas Connect Austria relies on local sourcing Gas Connect Austria's managed services contract with K-Businesscom covers numerous solutions and the associated services. In recent years, the entire ICT infrastructure has been rebuilt and all existing applications have been migrated to this ICT system. In the first phase, K-Businesscom took over the operation and management of the Austria-wide network and data center infrastructure for several hundred national client systems, including mobile device management for employees, and operates a service desk. K-Businesscom also provides the infrastructure for business applications, operates office applications and is responsible for security, infrastructure capacity and lifecycle management, including the control center infrastructure. The Managed Services contract was extended for a period of five years and expanded to include media technology services; the technical solutions were adapted to the current state of the art and the IT processes to the current standard of service provision. As part of the contract extension, the data centers will also be relocated within Vienna. Due to the particularly high security requirements, K-Businesscom is also subject to very strict conditions (particularly with regard to availability, IT security and service levels). The entire operation and all associated services are carried out by K-Businesscom in accordance with established international standards such as ISO, ITIL and PMA. Gas Connect Austria is a natural gas transmission and distribution network operator headquartered in Vienna. The company has 280 employees and is anchored at 6 locations in Vienna, Lower Austria and Upper Austria. Starting from the Baumgarten natural gas hub, Gas Connect Austria operates a modern and powerful high-pressure natural gas network with connections to Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary as well as to storage and production facilities. 900 kilometers long, the pipeline system includes 5 compressor stations, 40 metering and transfer stations and over 100 transfer metering points. The core business is the marketing of transport capacity at international border points and for the domestic supply of natural gas. With a marketed entry/exit transport volume of 150 billion m³ per year, the company is an important hub in Central Europe. As a customer-oriented logistics service provider, the company is constantly developing its products and services to meet the needs of the market. Gas Connect Austria is a 51% subsidiary of the OMV Group, 49% are held in a 60:40 ratio by Allianz Capital Partners and SNAM. Gas Connect Austria itself holds stakes in AGGM, AGCS, TAG GmbH and PRISMA and is a member of ENTSOG and GIE. As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in improving their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading global providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 318 million in the 2017/18 financial year.

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4. July 2018

Home at last: FK Austria Wien has arrived in the future!

The new Generali Arena offers full fan enjoyment thanks to innovative K-Businesscom technology. The digitalization expert equips FK Austria Wien's home stadium for the future. Vienna, July 4, 2018 - If you had to describe the new stadium at Verteilerkreis in three words, it would probably be: modern, family-friendly, safe. From July, fans will be able to cheer on their teams in Austria's first sustainably built soccer stadium. Some major events are already fixed: in addition to the opening match against Borussia Dortmund on July 13, the UEFA Women's Champions League final in 2020 and the UNIQA ÖFB Cup finals between 2019 and 2022 will be held in the arena. Lots of people and big events - that places high demands on a stadium's infrastructure. "Innovation, the best possible service for our fans and maximum safety were important requirements for the new stadium," explains Markus Kraetschmer, CEO of FK Austria Wien. "Finding a partner with the necessary technological expertise was a challenge." The choice fell on K-Businesscom as the system integrator: the network, security system and media technology have been implemented by K-Businesscom in recent months. Technology at the highest level For FK Austria Wien, future-proofing and top quality were the top priorities. K-Businesscom therefore opted for network and WLAN components from the leading technology company Cisco, which are specially designed for use in stadiums. Around 320 WLAN access points provide up to 17,500 visitors with constant quality. Two redundant firewalls ensure network security in the stadium. The high-performance and highly available network concept with over 40 switches is characterized by its simple administration and high level of security. Physical security is also provided by a K-Businesscom solution. 80 cameras inside and outside the stadium deliver real-time images in forensic quality directly to the control room. A fully digital access control system at around 500 doors ensures secure access to the stadium. Three large video walls and over 360 displays distributed throughout the stadium and the entire building make it possible to watch the matches live and relax, and other content can be played at any time. K-Businesscom also ensures the right video, sound and lighting quality in the VIP boxes, ballrooms and meeting rooms. The media control system is the heart of the event rooms. Users operate all room functions such as lighting, shading, air conditioning, sound, audio and video technology via an app on several iPads. Special docking stations for the iPads protect them from theft. "Once again, we are equipping a large stadium with our state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology. This time the first sustainable soccer stadium in Austria," says Jochen Borenich, member of the K-Businesscom board. "From now on, nothing stands in the way of secure digital and, of course, analog soccer enjoyment." FK Austria Wien is a soccer club from Vienna. The club plays in the Austrian Bundesliga. The club's second team, Young Violets, plays in the 2nd division, Austria's second-highest league. FK Austria Wien is the most successful club in Austria. a total of 51 titles, championships and cup wins are the absolute top figure of all domestic clubs. Since its foundation in 1911, Austria has celebrated 24 championships and 27 cup titles in the top division. The professional football department has been spun off into FK Austria Wien AG, whose sole shareholder is the club. After changing home venues several times, Vienna Austria has played its home matches at the Franz Horr Stadium (since 2010 "Generali Arena") on Laaer Berg in the Favoriten district since 1973. As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in improving their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading global providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 318 million in the 2017/18 financial year.

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12. March 2018

Video assistance at the touch of a button: maintenance professionals with smart glasses

In cooperation with EVOLARIS, K-Businesscom offers the EVOCALL digital assistance system. This in-house development from EVOLARIS supports service teams in maintenance processes via video or audio transmission. Regardless of location and in real time. For example at HAIDLMAIR. Vienna, March 12, 2018 - Tools and moulds for drinks crates, storage and logistics containers, pallets, pallet boxes, recycling containers and automotive parts - all this and more is produced at HAIDLMAIR in Nußbach. Maintenance or repair work may need to be carried out later in the customer's production process that cannot be done in-house and an external expert has to come in quickly and on the spot. Otherwise you have to wait. Which costs valuable time and means lost sales. This is now a thing of the past. The Graz-based company EVOLARIS, in which K-Businesscom holds a stake, has developed EVOCALL, a digital assistance system that has recently started supporting the HAIDLMAIR International service team. "The ability to call in a specialist via live video transmission to guide and support the service processes saves valuable time and high additional costs. EVOCALL therefore makes the day-to-day work of our service team easier and also increases system availability and product quality," explains Christian Eckhart, Head of International Service at HAIDLMAIR. K-Businesscom supported the digital transformation process in this project and was responsible for the introduction of EVOCALL with its services for maintenance processes. "Together with EVOLARIS, we were able to offer HAIDLMAIR a comprehensive range of services based on innovative digitalization solutions and platforms. We implemented EVOCALL with nine data glasses of the HMT-1 head-mounted tablet model from RealWear and Barcotec. With the support of the video remote support solution, it is now possible to service HAIDLMAIR's customers quickly and efficiently," says Jochen Borenich, member of the K-Businesscom Management Board, proudly describing the successful project. Before the solution was introduced, HAIDLMAIR had a maximum response time of 24-36 hours. EVOCALL has reduced this to 30 minutes. Specialists can guide the process via live video or audio and send important information such as circuit diagrams, data sheets or checklists directly to the data glasses. In addition, the entire support session can be recorded and used for training purposes or instruction videos based on real work assignments. This practical approach also makes for efficient on-the-job training. The EVOLARIS innovation center in Graz focuses on the design and development of digital assistance systems to optimize operational processes and increase efficiency in production, maintenance and service. EVOLARIS scores with standardized software systems as well as specifically developed solutions for mobile devices and web applications. When developing the solutions, EVOLARIS involves users in the development process right from the start in order to meet the high standards of usability. As a leading digitalization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security, as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal partner for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 320 million in the 2016/17 financial year.

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15. February 2018

New provider for IoT services based on LoRaWAN™ founded

ORF subsidiary ORS comm, K-Businesscom and Microtronics establish the joint venture SENS for IoT digitization solutions and services based on the LoRaWAN™ radio standard. Vienna, 15 February 2018 - SENS stands for Sensor Network Services and offers services, applications and solutions for IoT (Internet of Things) digitalization projects and IoT organizations in Austria. The services are based on the LoRaWAN™ wireless standard. LoRa® technology was developed specifically for the requirements of the Internet of Things and offers unique advantages such as particularly low power consumption, long range, good building penetration, low bandwidth and bidirectional communication. A LoRa® sensor can be in use for up to 10 years without any maintenance and also works in special application areas such as concrete buildings. LoRa® technology thus opens up a wide range of possible applications and fields of use in a wide variety of industries for a broad ecosystem around IoT. The new IoT joint venture SENS offers the creation of private and cooperative wireless networks as well as networks as a service. Efficient and cost-effective integration of devices and sensors via the standardized LoRaWAN™ 1.02 interface is possible. The data is available on the IoT platform supplied by SENS and can be integrated directly into the customer's business logic via the API interface. The solutions and services from SENS enable the rapid and efficient digitalization of processes, thereby strengthening the competitiveness of Austrian companies. Extensive tests of the LoRaWAN™ and the permanent installation in Vienna, Linz and Graz have taken place in recent months. Initial pilot projects are currently being implemented with well-known companies such as ÖBB Business Competence Center GmbH with a wireless sensor solution for setting points, Salzburg AG with an IoT solution for water meters and also a customer satisfaction survey for services provided by the city of Graz via LoRa® for GBG Gebäude- und Baumanagement Graz GmbH and its partners Holding Graz, ITG, the city of Graz and Citycom. Added value in Austria Thanks to the cooperation between the three companies K-Businesscom, Microtronics and ORS comm, digital services are provided from a single source with purely Austrian added value. This ensures that the data remains 100% in Austria throughout the entire processing procedure. Digitalization offers companies the opportunity to set new standards and initiate entirely new business models by developing new products, implementing new technologies and increasing productivity as a result. With its energy-efficient and cost-effective LoRa® network technology, SENS will act as a catalyst for digital progress in Austria. Further information can be found at Microtronics is a total solution provider for IoT, M2M and Industry 4.0 projects. The solutions include hardware, software and service at an internationally valid service rate from a single source. Microtronics has been the right partner in the field of device integration since 2006. Microtronics solutions are already in use in over 60 countries worldwide. Customers benefit from a fast realization of their idea to the first proof of concept in only 3 weeks. For further information: The ORS Group consists of Österreichische Rundfunksender GmbH & Co KG (ORS)> and its subsidiary ORS comm GmbH & Co KG (ORS comm). ORS was formed at the beginning of 2005 from the broadcasting technology of ORF. In recent years, the ORS Group has developed from a broadcasting network operator into a "digital content gateway" and, as a reliable partner, guarantees perfect "content carriage" via cable, IP, satellite and antenna. For further information: As a leading digitization partner, K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations. K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 320 million in the 2016/17 financial year.

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