The KBC Cyber Defense Center stands up to hackers
K-Businesscom has had its own Cyber Defense Center (CDC) for the identification, analysis and containment of cyber attacks since 2017. The IT security concept of K-Businesscom, Austria's only company with TÜV-Trusted IT security auditors, provides round-the-clock protection against increasing cybercrime.
Vienna, January 25, 2018 - "If you want to put a stop to hackers, you have to be smarter, more responsive and more efficient than they are," says Timo Jobst, Head of KBC Cyber Defense Center. Day after day, the highly qualified specialists in the new specialist department identify and analyze attacks and anomalies. And thus build up unique expertise. Coupled with the appropriate technology, it is used to identify attacks and react quickly and correctly to incidents. "And throughout K-Businesscom, as well as with customers," adds Jobst.
Worldwide, cybercrime causes economic damage of around 500 billion euros per year. As a leading expert in data security and management, K-Businesscom is expanding its portfolio in the ICT sector with a Cyber Defense Center. "No matter how well protected or prepared you are, a motivated attacker will always manage to penetrate a network," explains Christian Üblbacher, Head of Security Solutions at K-Businesscom. He adds: "As soon as we accept this fact, we will also find solutions to this problem." In addition to prevention, the CDC focuses on detecting and isolating cyber attacks. This guarantees customers fast response times in the event of an emergency, as well as the establishment of a close-knit security network.
The center's 2-in-1 concept offers optimum security against hacker attacks. The first pillar, the Managed Defense Service (MDS), collects security-relevant information from the network, devices, applications and log files. Here, K-Businesscom relies on the combination of man and machine: the combination of analytical thinking and employee expertise with the technical support of various tools, defined procedures and effective processes makes it possible to detect attacks at an early stage and contain or even prevent damage.
The second pillar of the CDC is K-Businesscom Emergency Response (ER). If an attacker has penetrated a company's systems, the security incident is assessed, scoped and analyzed. Together with the company, the CDC immediately develops a strategy to restore secure normal operations as quickly as possible.
The first successes quickly became apparent. Numerous attacks, anomalies and malware are identified and contained daily in the monitored networks so that they can then be removed.
In the new Cyber Defense Center, K-Businesscom bundles its experience in data security, infrastructure development and network analysis in a competence center that is unique in Austria.
As a leading digitalization partner,K-Businesscom supports companies in increasing their business performance and developing new business models. K-Businesscom acts as a consultant, system supplier and service provider. With its comprehensive expertise in dealing with large amounts of data and security as well as a large number of successful use cases in numerous industries, K-Businesscom is the ideal companion for digital transformation. The extensive portfolio in Austria, Romania and the DACH region includes technology solutions for intelligent and, above all, secure ICT infrastructure, smart building, media and security technology as well as outsourcing services. K-Businesscom relies on vendor independence and partnerships with leading providers such as HPE, Cisco and Microsoft as well as a broad network of partners from research and industry-specific solution providers - from start-ups to large corporations.
K-Businesscom has over 17,000 customers - e.g. Allianz, Erste Bank, ÖBB, OMV, ORF or Vodafone - and supports them locally and globally. Around 1,200 K-Businesscom employees generated revenue of around EUR 320 million in the 2016/17 financial year.