RegionalMedia Austria
With its broad portfolio of digital and printed products and comprehensive services, RegionalMedien Austria is a successful Austria-wide media company and is unique on the domestic market thanks to its focus on local and regional news.

Who are
RegionalMedien Austria?
RegionalMedien Austria?
RegionalMedien Austria (RMA) stands for local news from the regions throughout Austria and unites a total of 129 newspapers and 121 online portals under its umbrella. The company employs around 800 people in 82 offices.

Business Challenge
The Apple-as-a-Service concept from CANCOM a+d IT Solutions was also evaluated in the course of a company-wide device acquisition, which significantly supported RMA in meeting its goals such as device standardization, simple device management and relieving the teams.
As Apple-as-a-Service includes procurement, financing, the device lifecycle, extended hardware warranties, device insurance, NBD replacement service and the rollout of the devices, RMA opted for this concept. Specifically, Macs and then iPhones were purchased as a service for around 800 employees. With the help of Apple-as-a-Service, RMA retains a lean IT system that can concentrate on its core competencies and further development. The service is tailored to RMA's requirements and ensures that employees remain productive. In addition, a uniform device standard has been achieved within the company and administrative processes have been simplified thanks to device management with Jamf Pro.