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Cyber Defense Center (CDC)

Prevent - Detect - Protect - Respond
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What is a Cyber Defense Center?

A Cyber Defense Center is a centralized unit equipped with advanced technological tools and highly skilled security experts to monitor, strengthen and maintain a company's cyber security measures.

It is the control center for security operations that proactively detects, analyzes and responds to threats to minimize damage and prevent future attacks.

The core functions of your Cyber Defense Center

Threat detection

  • Monitoring: Round-the-clock monitoring of networks and systems for signs of security breaches.
  • Detection technologies: Use of SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems, IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) and other advanced analysis tools.

Incident Response

  • Incident response: Fast and efficient response to detected security incidents.
  • Recovery plans: Development and implementation of plans to limit damage and restore system functionality after an attack.

Threat analysis and intelligence

  • Threat intelligence: Collecting and analyzing information on existing and emerging threat factors.
  • Risk assessment: Assessing the security risks associated with identified threats.

Compliance and risk management

  • Legal compliance: Ensuring that the company's cybersecurity practices comply with national and international laws.
  • Risk management: Developing strategies to minimize risks through preventive measures.

Implementation of a Cyber Defense Center

  1. Planning and design: Development of a customized concept that takes into account the specific needs and risks of the company.
  2. Technology selection: Selecting the appropriate technologies and tools that will form the backbone of the CDC.
  3. Team composition: Recruitment of a team of experienced cybersecurity specialists who will operate the CDC.
  4. Training and development: Regular training and further education for the CDC team to ensure they are always up to date with the latest technology and the current threat situation.

Cybercrime is the biggest threat to businesses

The damage caused by cybercrime can be enormous, including espionage, theft of intellectual property, attacks on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and the theft of assets. Companies need to protect themselves effectively against these threats.

But how do you protect yourself against these dangers? How do you recognize attacks and how do you deal with them?

Companies are faced with the challenge of answering these questions in order to secure their data and resources. It starts with recognizing attacks, understanding their mechanisms and implementing effective processes to handle such security incidents. It is equally critical to capture an overall picture of relevant security events, assess potential risks and not only implement protective measures, but also regularly check their effectiveness.

Complex questions require competent answers - such as those offered by CANCOM.

we transform for the better

Ransomware attacks

Worldwide on average per year



Source: Statista, Aug. 2023


We have over 12 million alarms on our servers every month! The competent CDC team at CANCOM Austria filters and analyzes these and prepares them for us with specific recommendations for action. Only then are we able to recognize real threats to our company and react accordingly.

Christoph Schacher

Head of Information Security, Wienerberger Group

The CANCOM Cyber Defense Center (CDC) is your professional contact for security issues.

Our Security Operations Center, which covers the entire DACH region, offers comprehensive support to keep your company infrastructure secure:

There is a real possibility that your infrastructure has already become the unnoticed target of cyber attacks. Our team is working to make these attacks visible and explain them in a comprehensible way. The next step is the real-time detection of threats that need to be neutralized quickly and efficiently. By taking these measures, you continuously improve your company's security and minimize business risks while keeping your important company assets protected.

Don't take unnecessary risks - trust CANCOM to protect your business.



Find out more on the CDC website.

CDC WebsiteCDC Website

Case Study

Red Bull

The Vulnerability Management (VULN) module is a service from the KBC Cyber Defense Center (CDC) and is used at Red Bull to detect IT vulnerabilities.

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Case Study


KBC Cyber Defense Center, the Security Operation Center for optimal IT and network security.

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Case Study

Spittal Hospital

Comprehensive cyber security solution for secure network communication and protected databases.

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CANCOM Austria Austria

Daniel Firulovic, MA

Director Business Development Security

Wienerbergstraße 53, 1120 Wien, Österreich

+43 664 628

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