
Wienerberger is one of the leading providers of infrastructure and construction solutions with 200 production sites worldwide. The product range includes bricks, pipes, roofs, walls and pavers. Wienerberger supports property developers, planners and architects with dealer stores, digitalization solutions and a wide range of construction-related services.

CANCOM Austria emerged from K-Businesscom (formerly Kapsch BusinessCom) at the beginning of 2024. The following case study was written before that and therefore the text was left in the original version.
Business Challenge
Wienerberger has long been active in IT and network security. Proven solutions such as firewalls, fraud filters and virus protection have been used in particular. However, the in-house IT team is not large enough, and in view of the fact that around 12 million alarms - real or false - are generated in the Wienerberger network every month, a new, powerful overall solution had to be found. The situation had also worsened in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting increase in home office use.
KBC's Cyber Defense Center (CDC) soon offered itself as a solution: The CDC team of experts analyzes all alarm messages. Genuine alarms are separated from false alarms in a pre-filtering process. Wienerberger's IT department only receives the truly relevant information, carefully prepared with the corresponding recommendations for action to be passed on to the Wienerberger country teams and partner companies. In this way, it is possible to react very quickly and threats to the network are kept away from the company.
The Cyber Defense Center CDC is KBC's own Security Operation Center, with multiple certifications. The CDC is active worldwide on three continents. Data is recorded in 30 countries. The CDC has a modular structure - with six highly effective modules: Network Security Monitoring, Log Analysis, Threat Intelligence, Endpoint Detection & Response, Vulnerability Management and Operational Technology Monitoring.
The CDC helps companies to make previously undetected cyber attacks on their infrastructure transparent and traceable, detect threats in real time and respond to them efficiently, continuously increase corporate security, reduce business risks and protect valuable corporate assets.