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Röchling Industrial Oepping

KBC Product based on Microsoft Azure for the digitalization of the production process around Smart Plastics.
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Who is
RöchlingIndustrial Oepping?

Röchling Industrial is the world's top partner for plastics for industrial applications. 11.250 employees at more than 90 locations in 25 countries generated annual sales of EUR 2.207 billion in 2021 in the three Röchling divisions. Products and solutions from Röchling Industrial make cars lighter, medicine packaging safer and improve industrial applications.
Smart Plastics are one of Röchling Industrial's strategic innovation focuses.

CANCOM Austria emerged from K-Businesscom (formerly Kapsch BusinessCom) at the beginning of 2024. The following case study was written before that and therefore the text was left in the original version.

Business Challenge

Smart plastics are inconceivable without smart sensors. Sensors are used for condition monitoring, i.e. monitoring the condition of components. Customer-specific parameters, such as the progress of wear, are recorded using a so-called smart box and the data is reported on a special IoT platform. Together with KBC, an innovative, future-proof solution was developed and implemented for this complex challenge.

  • Changing thermosetting polymers leads to expensive machine downtime
  • Smart Plastics with smart sensor technology to automatically determine abrasion
  • Data collection and central database required for product research


  • Predictive maintenance for customers
    from Röchling Plastics
  • Better planning for reordering wear parts
  • Intelligent real-time alarms as an early warning system
  • Data insight into product usage for Röchling R&D
  • Target image: Automatic reordering of products and subscription model


Cloud consulting



  • Contemporary user experience and look & feel of the portal
  • Röchling customers can continue to focus on their core business
  • Future-proof and investment-safe solution
  • Scalability

We came to KBC and Microsoft Azure after intensive preparatory work. We appreciate the goal-oriented, professional approach of the team. KBC is a partner at eye level who understands our business and supports us not only technologically, but also methodically and strategically with business model innovation. This fits in perfectly with our solution-oriented way of working.

Markus Ecker

Head of Product Management and R & D at Röchling Industrial Oepping

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